Is She Fuckable?

Published on 1 November 2024 at 07:12

"Can I see a few pics?"

I don't send pictures to people I don't know Joe. I'm sure you get it.  

"I was just looking for regular pictures. Lots of girls don't match their profile..."

It's a shame to start out doubting a person in the first  minute of conversation. I'm sure it happens a lot but women feel like dogs at the Westminster Kennel Show with the process of online dating. Should I fluff my tail and send a complete stranger photos of myself?  Like me, love me, am I'm cute enough? Men want to know is she fuckable and women want to know if he's smart, kind and employed.

Are there any intellectual men left?  

Here's the deal Joe, I'm gorgeous, I make bank and I'm a good human. I'm also a woman who does the thing called whatever I want, so I don't feel the need to prove that I'm pretty to a complete stranger.  I guess we're not going to make it to even conversation because you need validation that I'm fuckable. We can connect on LinkedIn if you really want to pony up. What's that?  Not a gainfully employed man?  Next! 


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